TOP TWELVE REASONS TO VOTE NO on Brian Davis for Congress

  1. Brian Davis has NO EXPERIENCE - zero, nada:  No local government, no state government, no school board, no county commission, no dog catcher
  2. He has NO COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT since moving to Minnesota from New York City
  3. He is a Neo-Conservative who wants to continue the war in Iraq indefinitely and start a war with Iran as soon as possible
  4. Brian Davis' only military experience is watching the History Channel
  5. He loves Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and George Bush
  6. Brian Davis is extremely right wing - Far to the right of John McCain, Norm Coleman and Tim Pawlenty
  7. He was a disaster as Olmsted Republican party treasurer - he resigned and later large accounting errors of more than $20,000 were found
  8. Dr. Law and Order had his driver license suspended  and was convicted of operating a vehicle with expired registration
  9. Believes the national debt is no big deal (now over $9,480,000,000,000 and growing)
  10. Has promised to work to increase doctor's salaries (isn't this a conflict of interest - sort of like the Bush family letting the price of oil skyrocket when they are in the oil business)
  11. Denies global warming - even George Bush is now a believer
  12. Brian Davis is the only one who believes that he can win enough to donate $200,000 to his own campaign but it is all borrowed money - Do we really want him to run the US budget?